
struts2-convention-plugin-2.1.6 jar 的作用


The struts2-convention-plugin-2.1.6 jar file is needed if your are using annotations.

The Convention plug-in is the one which does everything in the background. The Convention plug-in does the following things.

  • By default the Convention plug-in looks for the action classes inside the following packages strut, struts2, action or actions . Here our package name is com.vaannila.action . Any package that matches these names will be considered as the root package for the Convention plug-in.
  • The action class should either implement com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action interface or the name of the action class should end with Action . Here we extend our WelcomeUser class from com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport which inturn implements com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action.
  • The Convention plug-in uses the action class name to map the action URL. Here our action class name is WelcomeUser and the URL is welcome-user . The plug-in converts the camel case class name to dashes to get the request URL.
  • Now the Convention plug-in knows which Action class to call for a particular request. The next step is to find which result to forward based on the return value of the execute method. By default the Convention plug-in will look for result pages in WEB-INF/content directory.
  • Now the Convention plug-in knows where to look for results, but it doesn't know which file to display inside the content directory. The Convention plug-in finds this with the help of the result code returned by the Action class. If "success " is returned then the Convention plug-in will look for a file name welcome-user-success.jsp or welcome-user.jsp . It need not be a jsp file it can be even a velocity or freemaker files. If the result value is "input" it will look for a file name welcome-user-input.jsp or welcome-user-input.vm or welcome-user-input.ftl.






    struts2-convention-plugin-2.1.6.jar 和struts2-core-2.1.6.jar

    不论高低版本,要使用struts2-core这个jar包,当又需struts2-convention-plugin.jar时勿必要使两者版本一致哦,否则会有DefError、Unable to read class诸等错误

    struts2版本 2.1.6 必须的jar包 和 web.xml 文件的修改

    NULL 博文链接:https://jackroomage.iteye.com/blog/888807


    struts2-convention-plugin-2.1.6.jar //2* struts2-spring-plugin-2.1.6.jar //1 xwork-2.1.2.jar //2 xerces-2.6.2.jar //3 xml-apis.jar //3 注:以下包为数据源连接池 相关 用到那个添加相应的包 c3p0-


    从 Struts 2.1 开始,Struts 2 改为使用 Convention 插件来支持零配置。Convention 插件彻底地抛弃了配置信息,不仅不需要使用 struts.xml 文件进行配置,甚至不需要使用 Annotation 进行配置。而是由 Struts 2 根据...


    将 Struts 2 项目下 struts2-convention-plugin-2.1.6.jar、struts2-rest-plugin-2.1.6.jar 两个 JAR 包复制到 Web 应用的 WEB-INF/lib 路径下。 由于 Struts 2 的 REST 插件还需要将提供 XML、JSON 格式的数据,...




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    从struts2.1开始,struts2不再推荐使用Codebehind作为零配置插件,而是改为使用Convention插件来支持零配置,和Codebehind相比,Convention插件...1. 将struts-Convention-plugin-2.1.6.jar文件复制到WEB-INF/lib路径下


    从struts2.1版本开始,Convention Plugin作为替换替换Codebehind Plugin来实现Struts2的零配置。• 包命名习惯来指定Action位置• 命名习惯制定结果(支持JSP,FreeMarker等)路径• 类名到URL的约定转换• 包名...

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